The pre-requisite to reading less is


We can only read less if we, in the first place,


But* as much as reading is necessary,

it is only useful as much as it is applied.

We only have so much time.

If we spend all the time reading,

we have no time to apply the lessons

and make it useful.

“The purpose of education
is not information,
but transformation.”
-Rubin Adi Abraham


but only as mush as we can apply.

Beyond that,

reading becomes an entertainment, a luxury.

Think of what better use of our time

can we spend your limited, transient life on.

Which includes meditating on the knowledge,

seeking Truth,

and sharing your findings.

Reading is but an input,

yet a measure of your worth

is the wealth of your output.

As much as we create,

we contribute,

and we are valuable.

So, read,

but not only read.

*My English teacher used to say that
we cannot start a sentence with the word “but”.
BUT, she is not a writer!

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